Lean production / Lean manufacturing is an effective concept of management, the essence of which is to optimize business processes by focusing on the interests and needs of the client (market) and taking into account the motivation of each employee.
The implementation of the Lin-production methodology, ideally, allows us to solve a number of major problems that most companies encounter every day and every hour:

  • to achieve high quality at minimal cost,
  • reduce production time,
  • avoid overproduction,
  • and resolve supply issues.
The author of the concept is Thaii Ono, who has developed a unique production system for Toyota - Toyota Production System (TPS), in the West it's called Lean production.
Principles of Lin-production at one time tried to convey to the business community even Henry Ford. But his ideas were not accepted at that time. By introducing the Lin-production methodology first in the world, the Japanese once again demonstrated their talent not so much to generate new ideas as to develop existing ones.

With "Toyota" it turned out exactly the opposite: its "branded" manufacturing system this time interested in Americans, resulting in the famous "manual of lean manufacturing" - a book by James Vumek and Daniel Jones, in which the authors "declassified" the main components of success "Toyota" - TPS tools, which include Total Production Maintenance (Total Productive Maintenance); system 5S (sorting, rational arrangement, cleaning (keeping in cleanliness), standardization, improvement); SMED Quick Detection System - Single-Minute Exchange of Die (reset / re-equip the equipment in less than 10 minutes).
Lean is about creating the most value for the customer while minimizing resources, time, energy, and effort.
What is Lean Thinking and Practice?
A lean approach to work is about:
  • understanding what's really going on at the place where value is created, commonly known as the gemba,

  • improving the processes by which products and services are created and delivered,

  • developing and empowering people through problem solving and coaching,

  • developing leaders and an effective management system
Lean thinking and practice helps organizations become both innovative and competitive, which in turn allows them to become sustainable.
Today, lean has become a new, more effective approach to doing work, no matter what the work is, the sector, or the size of the organization. In a lean organization, problems are opportunities for meaningful learning rather than errors to be swept under the rug or quickly resolved. Managers act as coaches, helping others get comfortable identifying problems and practicing daily continuous improvement. Leadership means creating a management system to support a new kind of engagement with the real work at hand, the way the work is being done now (not the way you and your teams hope to be doing work sometime in the future). LGN's goal is to help individuals and organizations start making things better through lean thinking and practice today..
Many People Incorrectly Define Lean As:
  • Tools: 5S, Kaizen events, value stream maps, andon, visual management, metrics, dashboards, A3, etc.
  • Programs: efficiency, process improvement, performance management, MBO, cost reduction, 6Sigma, etc. done to value-creators by management, outsiders or internal expert staff.
  • Something that only applies to manufacturing or operations.
  • Training for certifications and belts.
  • Headcount reduction.
  • Regimentation through standard work
  • Уменьшение штата
  • Регламентация через стандартную работу
What is LGN's definition of Lean Thinking & Practice?
Embracing the challenge of creating more value for each customer and prosperity for society by:
  • Showing respect by developing people to continuously improve the work through problem solving
  • Focusing on and continuously improving the work
  • Minimizing/eliminating waste: time, human effort, injuries, inventory, capital, space, defects, rework, etc.
  • Asking what type of management behaviors and management system is needed to improve and transform the organization.
What is Transformation?
  • Enterprise transformation is the process of an organization shifting its business model to a desired future state.

Lean transformation requires learning a new way of thinking and acting, characterized not by implementing a series of steps or solutions, but addressing key questions of purpose, process, and people.

To Improve (or Transform) an Organization Must Address:
  • Purpose - What value for customers?

  • People - How to respect, engage and develop employees?

  • Process - How to continuously improve?

  • Aligning purpose, process, and people is the central task of management

Lean transformation requires learning a new way of thinking and acting, characterized not by implementing a series of steps or solutions, but addressing key questions of purpose, process, and people.

You can find more information about LGN here& http://www.planet-lean.com

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